Simons 3/11

Simons 3/11
Family Picture

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Aria's 1

I haven't blogged for awhile, so I thought I would steal away some time and get updated on the main events that have happened since August. The main event was Aria's Birthday! She turned one and we finally have a summer birthday to celebrate. We were all so delighted about it that we went swimming for the day. We went to the aquatic center and the kids had a blast. I even got Landon to jump of the diving board. After we went swimming we took the kids to eat at the Center Street Grill. Then it was getting late so we actually ended up just going home and putting the kids to bed. The next day was Saturday so we woke up and did presents with Aria. She had a great time opening, and had lots of helpers too. Then we had cake. In someways I couldn't believe that a year had past. And yet it was a very difficult year having a baby when my other baby was only 18 months old. I was excited to reach the milestone and tell myself that I did it, and looking back things did get easier. We love you our beautiful little YaYa.

Getting ready to open presents

Her presents really are bigger than her.

A very fun sorting ladybug that sings. All the kids enjoyed playing with it. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Can't be a girl and turn one without a doll

And it is a good doll

She got a ladybug, a pink ball, a sorting ball, and a doll for her First Birthday!!

Pink Raspberry Chocolate Cake


She loves her new toys.

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