Simons 3/11

Simons 3/11
Family Picture

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to Eat a Banana

I really haven't posted anything new for awhile because nothing has really happened. We especially me has been sick for pretty much the month of January. This week was strep throat week for me.

I do have a good story for you. My Landon has to be related to my dad. For your information when we were growing up my dad always had prefect table manners. He told us when he went on his mission to Canada that the mission presidents' wife taught all the missionaries table manners and he used them ever since. So consequently he ate his french fries with a fork. We loved to tease him about it.

Anyways after school today Landon came home hungry and wanted a snack. He picked a banana and wanted to slice it up. After a debate with his mom over using a sharp knife verse a butter knife he started slicing his banana on a clean plate (with the butter knife). He cut up about half of it and then proceeded to get a fork from the drawer and eat his banana slices with his fork. Then he cut up the second half and ate that with his fork. It really cracked me up. I am sure my dad would be so proud.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Landon's Seven

Landon got a present from Matt and Kara and share the chocolate with everyone.

Landon's Birthday cake that Grandma made and he frosted. Cousins and his sister got to help sprinkle the top and put some candles in.

After staying late at Grandma's we got home at 8:00 and he got to open his presents. He was very excited and didn't want to wait any longer.

Two new webkins to play with. He was so excited. They are Speckles and Sparkle Paws.

An awesome Space Exploration kit from Grandma Vernae and Grandpa David - Thanks he loves it.

Landon had a great birthday. We went up to visit my family for the New Year. And spent the night at Marcus' parents house (not planned but we were going to stay with my sister and my brother in law ended up with strep that weekend.) We still had a wonderful time.

We got to take the kids out to Princess and the Frog. They loved it and even Tannen didn't do too bad. We had lots of food and games. There was talk of swimming in a hotel pool and sledding but my kids had just gotten over being sick so we decided not to.

On Landon's birthday we just woke up and stayed at Marcus' parents house. It was lots of fun and the kids got to play with their cousins Mason and Aubrey. Who are a couple of years younger then them but they don't seem to notice the age difference and play really great. They played out in the yard in the piles of snow and inside. We all had a very good day. Grandma made Landon a cake of his choice, and let him frost it. He was actually pretty stingy on the frosting, but it was still really good.

We left that evening and got home right at bed time. We had the kids get there jammies on and told Landon he could open his presents that night but wouldn't have anytime to play with them. He was fine with it and had a great time. He also got a bike for his birthday and it took Marcus a couple of days later to put it together but he loves it. Over all I think he had a great day. We love you our Landon who is my helper and gets me to constantly grow and change myself.


Tannen took his first steps for the first time yesterday (1-9-10). Marcus was putting Landon to bed and Tannen was in the room too. Marcus coaxed him and off he went. It was so exciting. I am sure we will be doing tons of playing with him today too. The first thing Landon did today after he got up was try to get Tannen to walk. But he wasn't quite ready first thing in the morning.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kylie's Five!!!!

I'm cute and I'm ready to open my presents.

Fairy Books - her favorite

Tinkerbell outfit. It lights up and everything. - Thanks Grandma

New horse she named Vanilla Cream. She was so excited she had to get her "cowgirl boots" on right away. Plus her new webkins she carried around with her all day long.

Birthday Cake - Thanks Maceys - Mom had sick boys to take care of and never got around to making one.

And blow - don't forget to make a wish

Kylie had a wonderful fifth birthday. She was so excited. Marcus ended up working insanely late the night before her birthday (I think he got in at 1:30). So he slept in and then after he got ready was we were able to open presents. It was great because then we didn't have the anticipation all day, and she could just play with her toys.

Her Grandma Simons came down that afternoon and took Kylie and Landon out to lunch - their choice. Of course they picked McDonald's so they could play. Then she took them out shopping for their birthday presents. They ended up getting new church shoes and were completely delighted. I think Landon wore his all day long.

After Marcus came home that night Kylie picked Texas Roadhouse to go and eat. We all had a great time and then ran to Maceys to grab a cake. I just didn't have anytime to make one with my boys being sick. She was totally fine picking one out and just wanted vanilla. She is definantly my dads granddaughter. Over all I think she had a fabulous birthday. We love you our litttle Mae girl who brings sunshine and love to us everyday.




Kylie Mae was delighted with all here presents

Tannen didn't care about opening the presents, but he did like playing with them after they were opened.

Landon had a good time but was sick. I can see his little fever eyes.

We had a great Christmas. After last year moving the day after Christmas and spending most of my day cleaning and packing I was very excited to just stay home and not have to work. The kids got up around 8:00 that morning. The stockings were hung over the fire place which is in our room. So Landon and Kylie were laying on the couch waiting for us to get ready. They got to grab their stockings and come in the front room. We opened presents and sat around and relaxed.

I made my potato's and such the day before. So all I did was stick my ham in the slow cooker and made rolls. It still surprises me how much my kids don't care about holiday food. I made them eggs and pancakes for breakfast and they loved it. But rolls and ham and augratins they really were fine with it but it wasn't anything special to them. We didn't get hit with a ton of candy either which I was grateful for. Although was are still working on Life Savers. Landon played his Gameboy and Indiana Jones Lego game pretty much all day. Kylie played with her dolls all day, and Tannen was delighted to push his new toy around and get into everything. I got to hang out with Marcus when he wasn't trying to get music for his mp3 player and we played our new game Sequence. Over all we had an awesome Christmas.
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