Marcus' birthday was Friday June 11th. We thought we would drop kids off at my mom's and get a hotel and play Friday and Saturday. Tannen is crazy about my mom, and wants her constantly. Probably because there is something that reminds him about me and she will carry him until his heart is content.
But first in the morning Marcus worked his typical half day on Fridays (he works four 9's and a half day on Friday - perfect for an early weekend). The kids slept in and then we had swimming lessons at 10:30. We had to get back for my Dr.'s appointment at 11:45. Marcus was a little late getting off so he meet me at the Dr's and then took the boys. Kylie wanted to hear the heart beat. I ended up waiting for a while and was there for an hour. But everything looks good and he said I was having a boring typical pregnancy. Just what he wanted. He said I didn't want to be one of his interesting cases, and I heartily agreed. We made it home, had lunch and then the kids got to wrap up their presents. They hid them and play hot and cold so Marcus could find them. They seemed to get a kick watching Marcus look for their presents. We finished cleaning up the house - not much because I had my book club here the night before. And packed up.
We made it to my mom's house around 4:00 and got the pack n'play all set up. I was pretty anxious after we dropped them off. I have never left Tannen for more than a couple of hours, and definantly not over night. Marcus didn't seem to conserned about it. I think guys get used to leaving kids because they can be gone all day and sometimes over night from their kids. I wasn't worried about Landon and Kylie at all.
Marcus and I checked in and then went out to eat. mmmm Texas Roadhouse. Then we went to Prince of Persia. It was pretty good. I did get tired of all the fighting but hey what do you do, besides Marcus liked it. It was late when we got out. We ran to Winco so I could get some food seeing as I have to eat something right before I go to bed. I was really looking forward to no kid noises and sleeping in as long as I wanted. But unfortunately I woke up at7:30 to go to the bathroom and then couldn't go back to sleep because I was starving. I finally went down and grabbed breakfast and was too awake to fall back asleep. It was nice to take as long as I wanted getting ready in the morning though. No one to cry at the door or ask permission for something.
We went to a gun shop and looked at pistols forever. But hey I learned a lot. Then we shot some and Marcus ended up ordering a Springfield DX 9mm. He had a permagrin on his face and we went to lunch. We were kind of not sure what to do with ourselves after that. We looked around in stores that our kids always run through. Then we decided to pick them up. I was happy to find that Tannen didn't miss me at all. He was delighted to hang out with my mom. We then headed out and stopped in at Marcus' parents house. They made bbq and a birthday cake. I hit a wall on the way over after getting up so early and probably wasn't much for conversation. We made it home around 9:00 and I crawled into bed at 10:00.
Happy Birthday Marcus - I hope you had a great two days!!!!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
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