Simons 3/11

Simons 3/11
Family Picture

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Video of Tannen Talking 4 mo.


Candice Buck Durfee said...

Super Cute!

Carol said...

so cute I love all your new pics they are great so thank you Landon!

I have yet tohaveGabe takethe cameraand take a pictureofhimselfpee but I am sure that is to come. He does take the camera on a regular basis and he pee's in public enough where I just shake my head but combined that is funny. Oh the worst I have had with Gabe peeing in public was when we where loading groceries in the back of the truck in Winston at a Walmart and we turn around and he is peeing off the tailgate where there are quite a few spectators aaahhhhhhhh what is a girl to do???????

Wendi said...

Carol - you gotta love those boys. I would have been so embarrassed - and at Walmart no less!!